☆ my ocs ☆


⋆ she/her
⋆ Spotted hyena
⋆ 24 years old
⋆ born on april 27th

heidi is unemployed and lives with her best [and only] friend, yan biao. shes quite an annoyance, spending a lot of her free time bothering yan. she often feels bad about freeloading, although she doesn't let Biao know that, and does her best to make up for it through housework and cooking to the best of her ability.

☆ yan biao ☆

⋆ she/her
⋆ south china tiger
⋆ 25 years old
⋆ born on july 29th

biao lives a boring, uneventful life, spending most of her time between her retail job and the apartment she shares with her freeloading best friend just trying to live life. said best friend makes this difficult by being incredibly annoying [yet endearing]. during her time off theres nothing she loves more than passing out or scrolling mindlessly through the hellish pits of social media.

☆ Atsuko ☆

⋆ she/her
⋆ pjsk oc
⋆ 15 years old
⋆ born on april 4th

Atsuko is an oc in the project sekai universe. she has a strong interest in all things horror, and because of this she formed a group to produce horror shorts/music videos. this group consists of her twin brother, his classmate, and a girl she met on the street. when she was younger, atsuko was bullied for her interests and this lead to her leaving school to be home schooled instead.